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2025/01 |
C. Manicardi, M.E. Virgillito
Unpaid Working Time and Disproportionate Female Hazard: an Intersectionality Perspective
2024/33 |
B. Negro, G. Dosi, M.E. Virgillito
The hydrogen paradigms. Technologies, country patterns of specialisation and dependence
2024/32 |
G. Dosi, L. Cresti, F. Riccio, M.E. Virgillito
Industrial policies for global commons: why it is time to think of the ghetto rather than of the moon
2024/31 |
V. Ferreira, J.P. Ferreira, D. Guarascio, F. Zezza
Shockflation in the EU: sectoral shocks, cost-push inflation and structural asymmetries in core and periphery countries
2024/30 |
L.E. Fierro, M. Martinoli
An Empirical Inquiry into the Distributional Consequences of Energy Price Shocks
2024/29 |
X.Yu, G. Dosi, M.E. Virgillito, C. Huang, L. Li
Profit-led and export-led accumulation regimes in Chinese manufacturing firms
2024/28 |
G. Fiorentini, A. Moneta, F. Papagni
Identification of one independent shock in structural VARs
2024/27 |
P. Llerena, C. Lobet, A. Lorentz
Two halves don't make a whole: instability and idleness emerging from the co-evolution of the production and innovation processes
2024/26 |
M. Dalle Luche, D. Guzzardi, E. Palagi, A. Roventini, A. Santoro
Tackling the regressivity of the Italian tax system: An optimal taxation framework with heterogeneous returns to capital
2024/25 |
B. Caldarola, L. Fontanelli
Cloud technologies, firm growth and industry concentration: Evidence from France
2024/24 |
D. Delli Gatti, T. Ferraresi, F. Gusella, L. Popoyan, G. Ricchiuti, A. Roventini
The complex interplay between exchange rate and real markets: an agent-based model exploration
2024/23 |
G. Biggi, M. Iori, J. Mazzei, A. Mina
Green Intelligence: The AI content of green technologies
2024/22 |
V. Cirillo, A. Mina, A. Ricci
Digital Technologies, Labor market flows and Training: Evidence from Italian employer-employee data
2024/21 |
E. Cappa, F. Lamperti, G. Pallante
Creating Jobs Out of the Green: The Employment Effects of the Energy Transition
2024/20 |
L. Fanti, M.C. Pereira, M.E. Virgillito
The agents of industrial policy and the North-South convergence: State-owned enterprises in an international-trade macroeconomic ABM
2024/19 |
M. Amendola, M. Valente
Taxing Carbon Emissions and Green Transition: The Case of the Italian Electricity Market
2024/18 |
M. Martinoli, R. Seri, F. Corsi
Generalized Optimization Algorithms for Complex Models
2024/17 |
G. Dosi, F. Riccio, M.E. Virgillito
Decarbonisation and Specialisation Downgrading: the double harm of GVC Integration
2024/16 |
D. Guzzardi, S. Morelli
A New Geography of Inequality: Top incomes in Italian Regions and Inner Areas
2024/15 |
L.Ciambezi, M. Guerini, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Accounting for the Multiple Sources of Inflation: an Agent-Based Model Investigation
2024/14 |
A. Antico, G. Bottazzi, D.Giachini
Pricing anomalies in a general equilibrium model with biased learning
2024/13 |
G. Dosi, M.C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M.E. Virgillito
The political economy of complex evolving systems: the case of declining unionization and rising inequalities
2024/12 |
G. Anzolin, C. Benassi, A. Cetrulo
Industrial relations and firm-level innovation. A comparative analysis of establishment data in Germany and Italy
2024/11 |
T. Lackner, L.E. Fierro, P. Mellacher
Opinion Dynamics meet Agent-based Climate Economics: An Integrated Analysis of Carbon Taxation
2024/10 |
G. Porcile
Sustainable development in a center-periphery model
2024/09 |
S. Reissl, L.E. Fierro, F. Lamperti, A. Roventini
The DSK-SFC stock-flow consistent agent-based integrated assessment model
2024/08 |
G. Pallante, M. Guerini, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Robust-less-fragile: Tackling Systemic Risk and Financial Contagion in a Macro Agent-Based Model
2024/07 |
G. Dosi, A. Snaidero
The nature and the strength of agglomeration drivers and their technological specificities
2024/06 |
M.A. Casau, D. Herrero
Deindustrialization paths and growth models: Germany and Spain in comparative perspective
2024/05 |
M. Coronese, M.Occelli, F. Lamperti, A. Roventini
Towards sustainable agriculture: behaviors, spatial dynamics and policy in an evolutionary agent-based model
2024/04 |
A. Cetrulo, D. Guarascio, M.E. Virgillito
Two neglected origins of inequality: hierarchical power and care work
2024/03 |
D. Guarascio, A. Piccirillo, J. Reljic
Will robot replace workers? Assessing the impact of robots on employment and wages with meta-analysis
2024/02 |
G. Dosi, A. Roventini
Evolutionary Growth Theory
2024/01 |
G. Dosi, L. Fanti, M.E. Virgillito
Attributes and trends of rentified capitalism
2023/47 |
A. Coveri, C. Cozza, D. Guarascio
Blurring boundaries: an analysis of the digital platforms-military nexus
2023/46 |
S. Rocchetta, M. Iori, A. Mina, R. Gillanders
Technological diversification and the growth of regions in the short and long run
2023/45 |
M. Gortan, L. Testa, G. Fagiolo, F. Lamperti
A unified repository for pre-processed climate data weighted by gridded economic activity
2023/44 |
V. Cirillo, F. Massimo, M. Rinaldini, J. Staccioli, M.E. Virgillito
Monopoly power upon the world of work: a workplace analysis in the logistic segment under automation
2023/43 |
G. Gabbuti, S. Morelli
Wealth, Inheritance, and Concentration: An 'Old' New Perspective on Italy and its Regions from Unification to the Great War
2023/42 |
G. Biggi, A. Mina, F. Tamagni
There are different shades of green: heterogeneous environmental
innovations and their effects on firm performance
2023/41 |
A. Ughi, A. Mina
Digital Advantage: Evidence from a Policy
Evaluation of Adoption Subsidies
2023/40 |
M. Coronese, F. Crippa, F. Lamperti, F. Chiaromonte, A. Roventini
Raided by the storm: how three decades of
thunderstorms shaped U.S. incomes and wages
2023/39 |
G. Gabbuti, M. Gomez Leon
Incomes and Employment of Italian Women,
2023/38 |
G. Freschi
From the edge to the heart:
female employment in 19th-century Italy
2023/37 |
L. Bisio, A. Cuzzola, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella
The dynamics of automation adoption: Firm-level heterogeneity and aggregate employment effects
2023/36 |
A. Cetrulo, G. Dosi, A. Moro, L. Nelli, M. E. Virgillito
Automation, digitalization and decarbonization in the European automotive industry: a roadmap towards a just transition
2023/35 |
F. Calvino, L. Fontanelli
Artificial intelligence, complementary assets and
productivity: evidence from French firms
2023/34 |
D. Guarascio, J. Reljic, R. Stollinger
Artificial Intelligence and Employment:
A Look into the Crystal Ball
2023/33 |
G. Rossello
The Effect of Government Cuts of Doctoral
Scholarships on Science
2023/32 |
S. Caravella, F. Crespi, G. Cucignatto, D. Guarascio
Technological Sovereignty and Strategic Dependencies:
The case of the Photovoltaic Supply Chain
2023/31 |
F. Riccio, G. Dosi, M. E. Virgillito
Smile without a reason why: functional specialisation and income
distribution along global value chains
2023/30 |
L. Popoyan, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Systemically important banks - emerging risk and policy responses:
An agent-based investigation
2023/29 |
L. Popoyan, A. Sapio
Prevention first vs. cap-and-trade policies in an agent-based
integrated assessment model with GHG emissions permits
2023/28 |
D. Guzzardi, E. Palagi, T. Faccio, A. Roventini
In search of lost time: An ensemble of policies to restore
fiscal progressivity and address the climate challenge
2023/27 |
G. Freschi, M. Martinez
Intergenerational mobility in 19th-century Italy:
A case study approach
2023/26 |
U. M. Gragnolati, A. Nuvolari
Innovation, localized externalities, and the British
Industrial Revolution, 1700-1850
2023/25 |
F. Ascione, M. E. Virgillito
Vertical integration and patterns of
divergence in European industries:
A long-term input-output analysis
2023/24 |
G. Gabbuti
Fiscal Sources and the Distribution of Income in Italy: The Italian Historical Taxpayers' Database
2023/23 |
N. Corrocher, D. Moschella, J. Staccioli, M. Vivarelli
Innovation and the Labor Market:
Theory, Evidence and Challenges
2023/22 |
L. Fontanelli
Theories of market selection: a survey
2023/21 |
G. Dosi, D. Usula, M. E. Virgillito
Increasing returns and labour markets in a predator-prey model
2023/20 |
M. Amendola, F. Lamperti, A. Roventini, A. Sapio
Energy efficiency policies in an agent-based macroeconomic model
2023/19 |
A. Caiani, E. Catullo
Fiscal Transfers and Common Debt in a Monetary Union: A Multi-Country Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent Model
2023/18 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini, M. Ottaviani
Market selection and learning under model
2023/17 |
L. Fanti, M. C. Pereira, M. E. Virgillito
A North-South agent based model of segmented labour
markets. The role of education and trade asymmetries
2023/16 |
A. Zeijen, L. Marengo. S. Brusoni
Search and Performance in Ecosystems:
The Changing Role of Product Architectures
2023/15 |
L. Cresti, G. Dosi, F. Riccio, M. E. Virgillito
Italy and the trap of GVC downgrading: labour
dependence in the European geography of production
2023/14 |
G. Rossello, A. Martinelli
The Effect of Lobbies' Narratives on Academics'
Perceptions of Scientific Publishing: An Information
Provision Experiment
2023/13 |
G. Rossello, A. Martinelli
Breach of Academic Values and Digital Deviant Behaviour: the Case of
2023/12 |
E. Campiglio, F. Lamperti, R. Terranova
Believe me when I say green! Heterogeneous expectations and climate policy uncertainty
2023/11 |
T. Rughi, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito
Climate change and labour-saving technologies:
the twin transition via patent texts
2023/10 |
L. Cresti, M. E. Virgillito
Weak sectors and weak ties?
Labour dependence and asymmetric positioning in
2023/09 |
F. Bontadini, M. Campi, M. Duenas
Being at the core: firm product specialisation
2023/08 |
B. Coriat, F. Orsi, J. F. Alessandrini, P. Boulet, S. Singh-Phulgenda
Health and access to care : why it is necessary and urgent to switch from a global public good approach to a commons based approach
2023/07 |
F. Cordoni, N. Doremus, A. Moneta
Identification of Vector Autoregressive Models with Nonlinear Contemporaneous Structure
2023/06 |
G. Biggi
Risk, Precaution, and Regulation in Chemical Search and Innovation: The
Case of the EU REACH Legislation
2023/05 |
L. E. Fierro, F. Giri, A. Russo
Inequality-Constrained Monetary Policy in a Financialized Economy
2023/04 |
G. Gabbuti
Wealth and Ideology in Italy: The 1923 ''Quasi Abolition'' of Inheritance Tax and Fascists' ''Middle Class Politics''
2023/03 |
S.M. Zema, F. Cordoni
A non-Normal framework for price discovery: The
independent component based information shares
2023/02 |
G. Dosi
Why is economics the only discipline with so many curves going up and down? There is an alternative
2023/01 |
M. Pangallo
Synchronization of endogenous business cycles
2022/39 |
F. Lamperti, A. Roventini
Beyond climate economics orthodoxy:
impacts and policies in the agent-based
integrated-assessment DSK model
2022/38 |
C. Bottai, M. Iori
The Knowledge Complexity of the
European Metropolitan Areas: Selecting
and Clustering Their Hidden Features
2022/37 |
M. C. Gomez, M. E. Virgillito
Wages and productivity in Argentinian manufacturing. A structuralist and distributional firm-level analysis
2022/36 |
B. Caldarola
Structural change(s) in Ghana: A comparison between
the trade, formal and informal sectors
2022/35 |
F. Montobbio, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito, M. Vivarelli
The empirics of technology, employment and occupations:
lessons learned and challenges ahead
2022/34 |
A. Martinelli, J. Mazzei
Death squad or quality improvement? The impact of introducing
post-grant review on U.S. patent quality
2022/33 |
M. Martinoli, A. Moneta, G. Pallante
Calibration and Validation of Macroeconomic
Simulation Models by Statistical Causal
2022/32 |
G. Gabbuti
''Non-Competing Social Groups''? The Long Debate on Social Mobility in Italy (c. 1890-1960)
2022/31 |
G. Gabbuti
Those Who Were Better Off: Capital and Top Incomes in Fascist Italy
2022/30 |
M. Ranaldi, E. Palagi
Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics:
The Compositional Inequality Perspective
2022/29 |
A. Chai, E. Stepanova, A. Moneta
Quantifying Expenditure Hierarchies and the
Expansion of Global Consumption Diversity
2022/28 |
M. Martinez
Dimensions of Illiteracy: A Quantitative and Comparative Approach from Italy, circa 1815
2022/27 |
G. Bottazzi, T. Kang, F. Tamagni
Persistence in firm growth: inference from conditional
quantile transition matrices
2022/26 |
M. Gomez Leon, G. Gabbuti
Wars, Depression, and Fascism:
Income Inequality in Italy, 1900-1950
2022/25 |
M. Guerzoni, M. Nuccio, F. Tamagni
Discovering pre-entry knowledge complexity with patent topic
modeling and the post-entry growth of Italian firms
2022/24 |
G. Dosi
The Agenda for Evolutionary Economics: Results, Dead Ends, and Challenges Ahead.
2022/23 |
L. Cresti, M. E. Virgillito
Strategic sectors and essential jobs: a new taxonomy based on employment multipliers
2022/22 |
G. Dosi, M. C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M. E. Virgillito
A complexity view on the future of work.
Meta-modelling exploration of the multi-sector K+S
agent based model.
2022/21 |
S. Tonini, F. Chiaromonte, A. Giovannelli
On the impact of serial dependence on penalized regression methods
2022/20 |
M. Guerini, L. Nesta, X. Ragot, S. Schiavo
The Zombification of the Economy?
Assessing the Effectiveness of French Government Support
During COVID-19 Lockdown
2022/19 |
C. Bez, M. E. Virgillito
Toxic pollution and labour markets:
uncovering Europe's left-behind places
2022/18 |
R. Danna, M. Iori, A. Mina
A Numerical Revolution: The diffusion of practical mathematics and the growth of pre-modern European economies
2022/17 |
G. Tripodi, F. Lamperti, R. Mavilia, A. Mina, F. Chiaromonte, F. Lillo
Quantifying knowledge spillovers from advances in negative emissions technologies
2022/16 |
L. Fanti, M. C. Pereira, M. E. Virgillito
The North-South divide: sources of divergence, policies
for convergence
2022/15 |
M. Guerini, F. Vanni, M. Napoletano
E pluribus, quaedam. Gross domestic product out of a dashboard of indicators.
2022/14 |
C. Daraio, L. Simar
Approximations and Inference for Nonparametric Production Frontiers
2022/13 |
M. Coronese, D. Luzzati
Economic impacts of natural hazards and complexity
science: a critical review
2022/12 |
A. Martinelli, J. Mazzei, D. Moschella
Patent disputes as emerging barriers to technology entry?
Empirical evidence from patent opposition
2022/11 |
F. Riccio, L. Cresti, M. E. Virgillito
The labour share along global value chains.
Perspectives and evidence from sectoral interdependence
2022/10 |
J. Mazzei, T. Rughi, M. E. Virgillito
Knowing brown and inventing green?
Incremental and radical innovative activities in the
automotive sector
2022/09 |
A. Antico, G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini
On the evolutionary stability of the sentiment
2022/08 |
C. Daraio, S. Di Leo, L. Leydesdorff
Using the Leiden Rankings as a Heuristics: Evidence from Italian universities in the European landscape
2022/07 |
C. Esposito, M. Gortan, L. Testa, F. Chiaromonte, G. Fagiolo, A. Mina, G. Rossetti
Venture capital investments through the lens of
network and functional data analysis
2022/06 |
D. Guzzardi, E. Palagi, A. Roventini, A. Santoro
Reconstructing Income Inequality in Italy: New
Evidence and Tax Policy Implications from
Distributional National Accounts
2022/05 |
L. Cresti, G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo
Technological interdependencies and employment changes in European industries
2022/04 |
S. Reissl, A. Caiani, F. Lamperti, T. Ferraresi, L. Ghezzi
A regional Input-Output model of the
Covid-19 crisis in Italy: decomposing demand and supply factors
2022/03 |
A. Martinelli, A. Nuvolari, E. Palagi, E. Russo
Digitalization, copyright and innovation in the creative industries: an agent-based model
2022/02 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini
Strategically biased learning in market
2022/01 |
G. Dosi, F. Riccio, M. E. Virgillito
Specialize or diversify? And in What?
Trade composition, quality of specialization and persistent growth
2021/48 |
S. Costa, S. De Santis, G. Dosi, R. Monducci, A. Sbardella, M. E. Virgillito
Firm responses to the pandemic crisis:
sticky capabilites and widespread restructuring
2021/47 |
S. Costa, F. Sallusti, C. Vicarelli, D. Zurlo
Italian firms in times of troubles: Covid-19 pandemic as a test of structural solidity
2021/46 |
C. Ates, D. Maringer
A Parsimonious Macroeconomic ABM for
Labor Market Regulations
2021/45 |
S. M. Zema, G. Fagiolo, T. Squartini, D. Garlaschelli
Mesoscopic Structure of the Stock Market and Portfolio Optimization
2021/44 |
A. Taberna, T. Filatova, A. Roventini, F. Lamperti
Coping with increasing tides: technological change,
agglomeration dynamics and climate hazards in an agent-based
evolutionary model
2021/43 |
F. Montobbio, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito, M. Vivarelli
Labour-saving automation and occupational exposure: a text-similarity measure
2021/42 |
N. Amendola, G. Gabbuti, G. Vecchi
On Some Problems of Using the Human Development Index
in Economic History
2021/41 |
M. Iori, A. Martinelli, A. Mina
The direction of technical change in AI and the trajectory effects
of government funding
2021/40 |
M. Capasso, M. Rybalka
Innovation pattern heterogeneity:
A data-driven retrieval of the firms’ approaches to innovation
2021/39 |
C. Daraio, A. Vaccari
How should evaluation be? Is a good evaluation of research also just? Towards the implementation of good evaluation
2021/38 |
A. Moro, M. E. Virgillito
Towards the factory 4.0? Convergence and divergence of lean models in Italian automotive plants
2021/37 |
G. Dosi, E. Palagi, A. Roventini, E. Russo
Do patents really foster innovation in the pharmaceutical
sector? Results from an evolutionary, agent-based model
2021/36 |
J. Taglialatela, A. Mina
Innovation, asymmetric information and the
capital structure of new firms
2021/35 |
M. Coronese, M. Occelli, F. Lamperti, A. Roventini
AgriLOVE: agriculture, land-use and technical change in an evolutionary, agent-based model
2021/34 |
M. Fontana, M. Iori, V. Leone Sciabolazza, D. Souza
The interdisciplinarity dilemma: public versus private interests
2021/33 |
A. Coveri, C. Cozza, D. Guarascio
Monopoly Capitalism in the Digital Era
2021/32 |
F. Bordot, A. Lorentz
Automation and labor market polarization in an
evolutionary model with heterogeneous workers
2021/31 |
N. Barbieri, D. Consoli, L. Napolitano, F. Perruchas, E. Pugliese, A. Sbardella
Regional technological capabilities and
Green opportunities in Europe
2021/30 |
A. Sbardella, A. Zaccaria, L. Pietronero, P. Scaramozzino
Behind the Italian Regional Divide: An Economic Fitness
and Complexity Perspective
2021/29 |
A. Cetrulo, A. Sbardella, M. E. Virgillito
Vanishing social classes?
Facts and figures of the Italian labour market
2021/28 |
M. Fana, F. S. Massimo, A. Moro
Autonomy and control in mass remote working during
the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidence from a cross-professional and cross-national analysis
2021/27 |
L. Fontanelli, M. Guerini, M. Napoletano
International Trade and Technological Competition in
Markets with Dynamic Increasing Returns
2021/26 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito
Big pharma and monopoly capitalism:
A long-term view
2021/25 |
G. Domini, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella, T. Treibich
For whom the bell tolls: the firm-level effects of
automation on wage and gender inequality
2021/24 |
M. Aguiar, G. Dosi, D. A. Knopoff, M. E. Virgillito
A multiscale network-based model of contagion
dynamics: heterogeneity, spatial distancing and
2021/23 |
E. Palagi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, J. Gaffard
An agent-based model of trickle-up growth and income
2021/22 |
M. Barigozzi, A. Cuzzola, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella
Factoring in the micro: a transaction-level dynamic
factor approach to the decomposition of export
2021/21 |
S. Costa, S. De Santis, G. Dosi, R. Monducci, A. Sbardella, M. E. Virgillito
From organizational capabilities to corporate
performances: at the roots of productivity slowdown
2021/20 |
A. Berner, S. Bruns, A. Moneta, D. I. Stern
Do Energy Efficiency Improvements Reduce Energy Use? Empirical Evidence on the Economy-Wide Rebound Effect in Europe and the United States
2021/19 |
G. Dosi
Some policy lessons from medical/therapeutic responses to the COVID-19 Crisis: A rich research system for knowledge generation and dysfunctional institutions for its exploitation
2021/18 |
G. Dosi, F. Lamperti, M. Mazzucato, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Mission-Oriented Policies
and the “Entrepreneurial State” at Work:
An Agent-Based Exploration
2021/17 |
G. Dosi, M. C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M. E. Virgillito
Technological paradigms, labour creation and destruction
in a multi-sector agent-based model
2021/16 |
D. Guarascio, S. Sacchi
Technology, risk and social policy. An empirical investigation
2021/15 |
S. Costa, F. Sallusti, C. Vicarelli
Trade networks and shock transmission within the Italian production system
2021/14 |
I. Liotard, V. Revest
Open innovation and prizes: is the European Commission really committed?
2021/13 |
V. Cirillo, D. Guarascio, Z. Parolin
Platform Work and Economic Insecurity:
Evidence from Italian Survey Data
2021/12 |
G. Fagiolo, T. Rughi
Exploring the Macroeconomic Drivers of International Bilateral-Remittance Flows: A Gravity-Model Approach
2021/11 |
C. Castaldi
Sustainable innovation and intellectual property rights: friends, foes or perfect strangers?
2021/10 |
T. Ferraresi, L. Ghezzi, F. Vanni, A. Caiani, M. Guerini, F. Lamperti, S. Reissl, G. Fagiolo, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
On the economic and health impact of the COVID-19
shock on Italian regions: A value chain approach
2021/09 |
A. Borsato
An Agent-based Model for Secular Stagnation in the USA:
Theory and Empirical Evidence
2021/08 |
M. R. Carillo, V. Lombardo, T. Venittelli
Identity and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants
2021/07 |
C. Barbieri, M. Guerini, M. Napoletano
The Anatomy of Government Bond Yields Synchronization in the Eurozone
2021/06 |
J. Reljic, A. Cetrulo, V. Cirillo, A. Coveri
Non-Standard Work and Innovation:
Evidence from European industries
2021/05 |
F. Lamperti, V. Bosetti, A. Roventini, M. Tavoni, T. Treibich
Three green financial policies to address climate risks
2021/04 |
V. Cirillo, L. Fanti, A. Mina, A. Ricci
Digitalizing Firms: Skills, Work Organization and the Adoption of New Enabling Technologies
2021/03 |
S. Reissl, A. Caiani, F. Lamperti, M. Guerini, F. Vanni, G. Fagiolo, T. Ferraresi, L. Ghezzi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Assessing the Economic Impact of Lockdowns in Italy: A Computational Input-Output Approach
2021/02 |
T. Heinrich, Y. Jang, L. Mungo, M. Pangallo, A. Scott, B. Tarbush, S. Wiese
Best-Response Dynamics, Playing Sequences, and Convergence to Equilibrium in Random Games
2021/01 |
E. Santarelli, J. Staccioli, M. Vivarelli
Robots, AI, and Related Technologies: A Mapping of the New Knowledge Base
2020/38 |
A. Cetrulo, D. Guarascio, M. E. Virgillito
Working from home and the explosion of enduring divides: income,
employment and safety risks
2020/37 |
J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito
The present, past, and future of labor-saving technologies
2020/36 |
T. Grebel, M. Napoletano, L. Nesta
Distant but close in sight. Firm-level evidence on
French-German productivity gaps in manufacturing
2020/35 |
M. Guerini, P. Harting, M. Napoletano
Governance structure, technical change and industry competition
2020/34 |
J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito
Back to the past: the historical roots of labour-saving automation
2020/33 |
G. Biggi, E. Giuliani, A. Martinelli
Patent Toxicity
2020/32 |
G. Pallante, E. Russo, A. Roventini
Does public R&D funding crowd-in private R&D investment? Evidence from military R&D expenditures for US states
2020/31 |
A. Vandin, D. Giachini, F. Lamperti, F. Chiaromonte
Automated and Distributed Statistical
Analysis of Economic Agent-Based Models
2020/30 |
F. Etro, E. Stepanova
Art Return Rates from Old Master Paintings to Contemporary Art
2020/29 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini
Selection in incomplete markets and the CAPM
portfolio rule
2020/28 |
S. M. Zema
Directed Acyclic Graph based Information
Shares for Price Discovery
2020/27 |
G. Fagiolo
Assessing the Impact of Social Network Structure on the Diffusion of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A Generalized Spatial SEIRD Model
2020/26 |
P. Bonaccorsi, M. Moggi
The long wave of the Internet
2020/25 |
L. Fanti, D. Guarascio, M. Moggi
The development of AI and its impact on business models, organization and work
2020/24 |
A. Moneta, G. Pallante
Identification of Structural VAR Models via Independent Component Analysis: A Performance Evaluation Study
2020/23 |
A. Nuvolari, V. Tartari, M. Tranchero
Patterns of Innovation during the Industrial Revolution: a
Reappraisal using a Composite Indicator of Patent Quality
2020/22 |
G. Dosi, M. E. Virgillito, X. Yu
Gains from trade or from catching-up? Value creation and
distribution in the era of China’s WTO accession
2020/21 |
V. Cirillo, M. Rinaldini, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito
Trade unions' responses to Industry 4.0 amid corporatism and resistance
2020/20 |
F. Calvino, D. Giachini, M. Guerini
The age distribution of business firms
2020/19 |
P. D'Orazio, L. Popoyan
Taking up the climate change challenge: a
new perspective on central banking
2020/18 |
P. Santoleri, A. Mina, A. Di Minin, I. Martelli
The causal effects of R&D grants:
evidence from a regression discontinuity
2020/17 |
G. Bottazzi, F. Cordoni, G. Livieri, S. Marmi
Stock Recommendations from Stochastic
Discounted Cash Flows
2020/16 |
N. Bellomo, R. Bingham, M. A.J. Chaplain, G. Dosi, G. Forni, D. A. Knopoff, J. Lowengrub, R. Twarock, M. E. Virgillito
A multi-scale model of virus pandemic:
Heterogeneous interactive entities in a globally
connected world
2020/15 |
G. Bottazzi, F. Cordoni, G. Livieri, S. Marmi
Uncertainty in Firm Valuation and a
Cross-Sectional Misvaluation Measure
2020/14 |
G. Dosi, L. Fanti, M. E. Virgillito
Unequal societies in usual times, unjust societies in
pandemic ones
2020/13 |
R. Iacono, E. Palagi
Still the lands of equality? On the heterogeneity of
individual factor income shares in the Nordics
2020/12 |
P. Iliopoulos, G. Galanis, A. Kumar, L. Popoyan
The Power of Sectoral Geographical Centrality in Global Production
2020/11 |
G. Dosi, F. Riccio, M. E. Virgillito
Varieties of deindustrialization and patterns of diversification:
why microchips are not potato chips
2020/10 |
G. Dosi, A. Roventini, E. Russo
Public policies and the art of catching up: matching the
historical evidence with a multi-country agent-based
2020/09 |
M. Guerini, P. Musso, L. Nesta
Estimation of Threshold Distributions for Market
2020/08 |
M. Cimoli, G. Dosi, X. Yu
Industrial Policies, Patterns of Learning and Development: an
Evolutionary Perspective
2020/07 |
G. de Rassenfosse, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella, G. Pellegrino
International Patent Protection and Trade: Transaction-Level Evidence
2020/06 |
M. Campi, A. Nuvolari
Intellectual property rights and agricultural
development: Evidence from a worldwide index of
IPRs in agriculture (1961-2018)
2020/05 |
M. Campi, M. Duenas, G. Fagiolo
Specialization in food production, global food security and sustainability
2020/04 |
N. Bellomo, G. Dosi, D. A. Knopoff, M. E. Virgillito
From particles to firms: a kinetic model of climbing up evolutionary landscapes
2020/03 |
F. Montobbio, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito, M. Vivarelli
Robots and the origin of their labour-saving impact
2020/02 |
G. Dosi, R. B. Freeman, M. C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M. E. Virgillito
The Impact of Deunionization on the Growth and Dispersion of Productivity and Pay
2020/01 |
S. Caravella, F. Crespi, D. Guarascio, M. Tubiana
Competitive strategies, heterogeneous demand sources and firms' growth trajectories
2019/42 |
F. Lamperti, V. Bosetti, A. Roventini, M. Tavoni
The public costs of climate-induced financial
2019/41 |
F. Lamperti, M. Mazzucato, A. Roventini, G. Semieniuk
The green transition: public policy, finance and the role of the State
2019/40 |
M. Capasso, M. Spjelkavik Mark
Visualizing the Evolving Fit of Education and Economy:
The Case of ICT Education in Norway
2019/39 |
T. Ciarli, A. Coad, A. Moneta
Exporting and productivity as part of the
growth process: Causal evidence from a
data-driven structural VAR
2019/38 |
S. Costa, F. Sallusti, C. Vicarelli, D. Zurlo
Tech on the ROC: Export Threshold and Technology Adoption Interacted
2019/37 |
M. Campi, M. Duenas, G. Fagiolo
How do countries specialize in food production? A complex-network analysis of the global agricultural product space
2019/36 |
J. Reljic, R. Evangelista, M. Pianta
Digital technologies, employment and skills
2019/35 |
A. Coveri, M. Pianta
Technology, profits and wages
2019/34 |
A. Cetrulo, D. Guarascio, M. E. Virgillito
Anatomy of the Italian occupational structure: concentrated power and
distributed knowledge
2019/33 |
M. Guerini, D. T. Luu, M. Napoletano
Synchronization Patterns in the European Union
2019/32 |
A. Martinelli, E. Romito
When authors become inventors: an empirical analysis on patent-paper pairs in medical research
2019/31 |
P. Santoleri
Innovation and job creation in (high-growth) new firms
2019/30 |
L. Fanti, D. Guarascio, M. Tubiana
Skill Gap, Mismatch, and the Dynamics of Italian Companies' Productivity
2019/29 |
E. Russo, N. Foster-McGregor, B. Verspagen
Characterizing growth instability: new evidence on unit
roots and structural breaks in long run time series
2019/28 |
E. Brancaccio, R. Giammetti, M. Lopreite, M. Puliga
Monetary Policy, Crisis and Capital Centralization
in Corporate Ownership and Control Networks: a B-Var Analysis
2019/27 |
S. B. Bruns, A. Moneta, D. I. Stern
Estimating the Economy-Wide Rebound Effect Using
Empirically Identified Structural Vector Autoregressions
2019/26 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, L. Li, L. Marengo, S. Settepanella
Aggregate Productivity Growth in the Presence of (Persistently) Heterogeneous Firms
2019/25 |
R. L. Bruno, E. Douarin, J. Korosteleva, S. Radosevic
Determinants of Productivity Gap in the European Union:
A Multilevel Perspective
2019/24 |
N. O'Higgins, M. Stimolo
Trust and reciprocity in youth labor markets.
An experimental approach to analyzing the impact of labour market experiences on young people
2019/23 |
F. Lamperti, F. Malerba, R. Mavilia, G. Tripodi
Does the Position in the Inter-sectoral Knowledge Space affect
the International Competitiveness of Industries?
2019/22 |
G. Domini, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella, T. Treibich
Threats and opportunities in the digital era: automation spikes and employment dynamics
2019/21 |
F. Bogliacino, V. Cirillo, C. Codagnone, M. Fana, F. Lupiáñez-Villanueva, G. A. Veltri
Shaping individual preferences for social protection: the case of platform workers
2019/20 |
G. Domini
Patterns of specialisation and economic complexity through the lens of universal exhibitions, 1855-1900
2019/19 |
M. Grazzi, C. Piccardo, C. Vergari
Concordance and Complementarity in IP Instruments
2019/18 |
V. Cirillo, R. Evangelista, D. Guarascio, M. Sostero
Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task-based data
2019/17 |
A. Nuvolari, E. Russo
Technical progress and structural change: a long-term view
2019/16 |
F. Fusillo, D. Consoli, F. Quatraro
Resilience, Skill Endowment and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas
2019/15 |
D. Consoli, G. Marin, F. Rentocchini, F. Vona
Routinization, Within-Occupation Task Changes and Long-Run Employment Dynamics
2019/14 |
G. Dosi, M. Piva, M. E. Virgillito, M. Vivarelli
Embodied and disembodied technological change: the sectoral patterns of job-creation and job-destruction
2019/13 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella, G. Pisano, F. Tamagni
Long-Term Firm Growth: An Empirical Analysis of US Manufacturers 1959-2015
2019/12 |
V. Cirillo, M. Sostero, F. Tamagni
Firm-level pay agreements and within-firm wage inequalities: Evidence across Europe
2019/11 |
L. Popoyan, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Winter is possibly not coming: Mitigating financial instability in an agent-based model with interbank market
2019/10 |
G. Dosi, N. Mathew, E. Pugliese
What a firm produces matters: diversification, coherence and performance of Indian manufacturing firms
2019/09 |
A. Martinelli, A. Mina, M. Moggi
The Enabling Technologies of Industry 4.0: Examining the Seeds of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
2019/08 |
A. Matano, P. Naticchioni, F. Vona
The Institutional Adjustment Margin to Import Competition: Evidence from Italian Minimum Wages
2019/07 |
A. Moro, M. Rinaldini, J. Staccioli, M. E. Virgillito
Control in the era of surveillance capitalism: an empirical investigation of Italian Industry 4.0 factories
2019/06 |
C. Daraio, L. Simar, P. W. Wilson
Quality and its Impact on Efficiency
2019/05 |
G. Dosi, M. E. Virgillito, X. Yu
The Wage-Productivity Nexus in the World Factory Economy
2019/04 |
G. Domini
Exhibitions, patents, and innovation in the early twentieth century: evidence from the Turin 1911 International Exhibition
2019/03 |
M. Seip, C. Castaldi, M. Flikkema, A. P. de Man
A taxonomy of firm-level IPR application practices to inform policy debates
2019/02 |
G. Dosi, M.E. Virgillito
Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? New technologies and old socio-economic trends
2019/01 |
G. Dosi, A. Roventini
More is Different ... and Complex! The Case for Agent-Based Macroeconomics
2018/37 |
J. Gaffard
Monetary theory and policy: the debate revisited
2018/36 |
E. Caverzasi, D. Tori
The Financial Innovation Hypothesis: Schumpeter, Minsky and the sub-prime mortgage crisis
2018/35 |
P. D'Orazio, L. Popoyan
Fostering green investments and tackling climate-related financial risks: which role for macroprudential policies?
2018/34 |
G. Dosi, D. Guarascio, A. Ricci, M.E. Virgillito
Neodualism in the Italian business firms: training, organizational capabilities and productivity distributions
2018/33 |
G. Dosi, M. Tranchero
The Role of Comparative Advantage, Endowments and Technology in Structural Transformation
2018/32 |
F. Etro, E. Stepanova
Power-Laws in Art. From Renaissance to Contemporary Art
2018/31 |
A. Mina, H. Lahr
The pecking order of innovation finance
2018/30 |
S. Rocchetta, A. Mina
Technological Coherence and the Adaptive Resilience of Regional Economies
2018/29 |
M. Vivarelli
Globalization, Structural Change and Innovation in Emerging Economies: The Impact on Employment and Skills
2018/28 |
L. Marengo, S. Settepanella, Y.X. Zhang
Towards a Unified Aggregation Framework for Preferences and Judgements
2018/27 |
G. Dosi and X. Yu
Capabilities Accumulation and Development: What History Tells the Theory
2018/26 |
G. Dosi, M. Faillo, L. Marengo
Beyond “Bounded Rationality”: Behaviours and Learning in Complex Evolving Worlds
2018/25 |
F. Etro, S. Marchesi, E. Stepanova
Liberalizing Art. Evidence on the Impressionists at the end of the Paris Salon
2018/24 |
G. Dosi, M. C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M. E. Virgillito
The labour-augmented K+S model: a laboratory for the analysis of institutional and policy regimes
2018/23 |
E. Caverzasi, A. Russo
Toward a New Microfounded Macroeconomics in the Wake of the Crisis
2018/22 |
M. Coronese, F. Lamperti, F. Chiaromonte, A. Roventini
Natural Disaster Risk and the Distributional Dynamics of Damages
2018/21 |
C. Daraio, L. Simar, P.W. Wilson
Fast and Efficient Computation of Directional Distance Estimators
2018/20 |
G. Dosi, M. Minenna, A. Roventini, R. Violi
Making the Eurozone work: a risk-sharing reform of the European Stability Mechanism
2018/19 |
G. Dosi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, T. Treibich
Debunking the Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations: From Real Business Cycles back to Keynes
2018/18 |
N. Fiorino, E. Galli, I. Rizzo, M. Valente
Public Procurement and Reputation: An Agent-Based Model
2018/17 |
J. Gaffard, M. Napoletano
Market disequilibrium, monetary policy, and financial markets: insights from new tools
2018/16 |
D. Castellani, M. Piva, T. Schubert, M. Vivarelli
The source of the US /EU Productivity Gap: Less and less effective R&D
2018/15 |
G. Pellegrino, M. Piva, M. Vivarelli
Beyond R&D: The role of embodied technological change in affecting employment
2018/14 |
F. Lamperti, G. Dosi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, A. Sapio
And Then He Wasn’t a She: Climate Change and Green Transitions in an Agent-Based Integrated Assessment Model
2018/13 |
V. Cirillo, M. Rinaldini, J. Staccioli, M.E. Virgillito
Workers' intervention authority in Italian 4.0 factories: autonomy and discretion
2018/12 |
J. Staccioli, M. Napoletano
An agent-based model of intra-day financial markets dynamics
2018/11 |
G. Domini, D. Moschella
Reallocation and productivity during the Great Recession: evidence from French manufacturing firms
2018/10 |
M. Minenna
Eurozone: original flaws, present problems and challenges for the future
2018/09 |
M. Guerini, F. Lamperti, A. Mazzocchetti
Unconventional Monetary Policy: Between the Past and Future of Monetary Economics
2018/08 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini
New Results on Betting Strategies, Market Selection, and the Role of Luck
2018/07 |
D. Giachini
Rationality and Asset Prices under Belief Heterogeneity
2018/06 |
A. Cetrulo, V. Cirillo, D. Guarascio
Weaker jobs, weaker innovation. Exploring the temporary employment-product innovation nexus
2018/05 |
D.T. Luu, M. Napoletano, P. Barucca, S. Battiston
Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects
2018/04 |
G. Bottazzi, P. Dindo, D. Giachini
Momentum and Reversal in Financial Markets with Persistent Heterogeneity
2018/03 |
M. Coronese, I. Salle
The “Rajan Hypothesis”: a counter-factual experiment
2018/02 |
E. Cefis, O. Marsili
Good Times, Bad Times: Innovation and Survival over the Business Cycle
2018/01 |
G. Dosi, M.C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M.E. Virgillito
What if supply-side policies are not enough? The perverse interaction
of flexibility and austerity
2017/33 |
P. Dindo, J. Staccioli
Asset prices and wealth dynamics in a financial market with endogenous liquidation risk
2017/32 |
G. Dosi, A. Roventini, E. Russo
Endogenous growth and global divergence in a multi-country agent-based model
2017/31 |
G. Dosi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, J.E. Stiglitz, T. Treibich
Rational Heuristics? Expectations and Behaviors in Evolving Economies with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents
2017/30 |
G. Fagiolo, D. Giachini, A. Roventini
Innovation, Finance, and Economic Growth: An Agent-Based Approach
2017/29 |
S. Torreggiani, G. Mangioni, M.J. Puma, G. Fagiolo
Identifying the community structure of the international food-trade multi network
2017/28 |
J. Bessen, A. Nuvolari
Diffusing New Technology without Dissipating Rents: Some Historical Case Studies of Knwoledge Sharing
2017/27 |
G. Dosi, X. Yu
Technological catching-up, sales dynamics and employment growth: evidence from China's manufacturing firms
2017/26 |
M. Cimoli, J.A. Ocampo, G. Porcile
Choosing sides in the trilemma: international financial cycles and structural change in developing economies
2017/25 |
E. Stepanova
The impact of color palettes on the prices of paintings
2017/24 |
G. Bottazzi, L. Li, A. Secchi
Aggregate fluctuations and the distribution of firm growth rates
2017/23 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Guerini, F. Lamperti, A. Moneta, A. Roventini
Validation of Agent-Based Models in Economics and Finance
2017/22 |
D. Lambert, F. Vanni
Complexity and Heterogeneity in a Dynamic Network
2017/21 |
A. Coad, N. Mathew, E. Pugliese
What’s good for the goose ain’t good for the gander: cock-eyed counterfactuals and the performance effects of R&D
2017/20 |
F. Crespi, D. Guarascio
The demand-pull effect of public procurement on innovation and industrial renewal
2017/19 |
G. Dosi, A. Roventini
Agent-Based Macroeconomics and Classical Political Economy: Some Italian Roots
2017/18 |
Economics from an Evolutionary Perspective
2017/17 |
E. Russo
Harrodian instability in decentralized economies: an agent-based approach
2017/16 |
Vanni F., Barucca P.
Time evolution of an agent-driven network model
2017/15 |
G. Dosi, A. Moneta, E. Stepanova
Dynamic Increasing Returns and Innovation Diffusion: bringing Polya Urn processes to the empirical data
2017/14 |
L. Ridolfi
Six centuries of real wages in France from Louis IX to Napoleon III: 1250 - 1860
2017/13 |
M. Duenas, R. Mastrandrea, M. Barigozzi, G. Fagiolo
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of the International Merger and Acquisition Network
2017/12 |
F. Lamperti, G. Dosi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, A. Sapio
Faraway, so Close: Coupled Climate and Economic Dynamics in an Agent-Based Integrated Assessment Model
2017/11 |
F. Lamperti, A. Roventini, A. Sani
Agent-Based Model Calibration using Machine Learning Surrogates
2017/10 |
M. Balconi, V. Lorenzi
The increasing role of contract research organizations in the evolution of the biopharmaceutical industry
2017/09 |
M. Grazzi, N. Mathew, D. Moschella
Efficiency, innovation, and imported inputs: determinants of export performance among Indian manufacturing firms
2017/08 |
G. Dosi, M. Faillo, V. Cecchini Manara, L. Marengo, D. Moschella
The formalization of organizational capabilities and learning: results and challenges
2017/07 |
G. Dosi, M.C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M.E. Virgillito
Causes and Consequences of Hysteresis: Aggregate Demand, Productivity and Employment
2017/06 |
G. Dosi, E. Pugliese, P. Santoleri
Growth and survival of the `fitter'? Evidence from US new-born firms
2017/05 |
E. Palagi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, J. Gaffard
Inequality, Redistributive Policies and Multiplier Dynamics in an Agent-Based Model with Credit Rationing
2017/04 |
M. Guerini, A. Moneta, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
The Janus-Faced Nature of Debt: Results from a Data-Driven Cointegrated SVAR Approach
2017/03 |
D. Moschella, F. Tamagni, X. Yu
Persistent high-growth firms in China's manufacturing
2017/02 |
S. Saroyan, L. Popoyan
Bank-sovereign ties against interbank market integration: the case of the Italian segment
2017/01 |
M. Bagues, M. Sylos-Labini, N. Zinovyeva
A Walk on the Wild Side: ‘Predatory’ Journals and Information Asymmetries in Scientific Evaluations
2016/41 |
P. Battiston, S. Gamba
When the two ends meet: an experiment on cooperation across the Italian North-South divide
2016/40 |
P. Battiston, D. Duncan, S. Gamba, A. Santoro
Audit publicity and tax compliance: a quasi-natural experiment
2016/39 |
G. Dosi, M.E. Virgillito
In order to stand up you must keep cycling: change and coordination in complex evolving economies
2016/38 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo, A. Nuvolari
Institutions Are neither Autistic Maximizers nor Flocks of Birds: Self-organization, Power, and Learning in Human Organizations
2016/37 |
F. Calvino
Technological Innovation and the Distribution of Employment Growth: a firm-level analysis
2016/36 |
M. Capasso, A. Moneta
Macroeconomic responses to an independent monetary policy shock: a (more) agnostic identification procedure
2016/35 |
B. A'Hearn, A. Delfino, A. Nuvolari
Rethinking Age-Heaping. A Cautionary Tale from Nineteenth Century Italy
2016/34 |
F. Etro, E. Stepanova
Art Auctions and Art Investment in the Golden Age of British Painting
2016/33 |
C. Abbate, A. Sapio
Gazelles and muppets in the City: Stock market listing, risk sharing, and firm growth quantiles
2016/32 |
V. Revest, A. Sapio
The creation function of a junior listing venue: An empirical test on the Alternative Investment Market
2016/31 |
D. Guarascio, F. Tamagni
Persistence of innovation and patterns of firm growth
2016/30 |
J. V. Duca, L. Popoyan, S.M. Wachter
Real Estate and the Great Crisis: Lessons for Macro-Prudential Policy
2016/29 |
T. Balint, F. Lamperti, A. Mandel, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini and A. Sapio
Complexity and the Economics of Climate Change: a Survey and a Look Forward
2016/28 |
M. Campi, M. Duenas, M. Barigozzi, G. Fagiolo
Do Intellectual Property Rights Influence Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions ?
2016/27 |
G. Dosi, M. C. Pereira, A. Roventini, and M. E. Virgillito
The Effects of Labour Market Reforms upon Unemployment and Income Inequalities: an Agent Based Model
2016/26 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, N. Mathew
The cost-quantity relations and the diverse patterns of “learning by doing”: Evidence from India
2016/25 |
G. Dosi, V. Revest, A. Sapio
Financial regimes, financialization patterns and industrial performances: preliminary remarks
2016/24 |
M. Guerini, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
No Man Is an Island: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Local Interactions on Macroeconomic Dynamics
2016/23 |
T. Ferraresi, A. Roventini, W. Semmler
Macroeconomic Regimes, Technological Shocks and Employment Dynamics
2016/22 |
S.G. Winter
Pursuing the Evolutionary Agenda in Economics and Management Research
2016/21 |
L. Popoyan
Macroprudential Policy: a Blessing or a Curse?
2016/20 |
G. Dosi, M.E. Virgillito
The “Schumpeterian” and the “Keynesian” Stiglitz: Learning, Coordination Hurdles and Growth Trajectories
2016/19 |
V. Costantini, F. Crespi, G. Marin, E. Paglialunga
Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries
2016/18 |
F. Lamperti
Empirical Validation of Simulated Models through the GSL-div: an Illustrative Application
2016/17 |
G. Fagiolo, A. Roventini
Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models Redux: New Developments and Challenges Ahead
2016/16 |
M. Guerini, A. Moneta
A Method for Agent-Based Models Validation
2016/15 |
S. Jacob Leal, M. Napoletano
Market Stability vs. Market Resilience: Regulatory Policies Experiments in an Agent Based Model with Low- and High-Frequency Trading
2016/14 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini
Far from the Madding Crowd: Collective Wisdom in Prediction Markets
2016/13 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Giachini
Wealth and Price Distribution by Diffusive Approximation in a Repeated Prediction Market
2016/12 |
G. Dosi, M.C. Pereira, M.E. Virgillito
On the robustness of the fat-tailed distribution of firm growth rates: a global sensitivity analysis
2016/11 |
R. Bekkers, A. Martinelli, F. Tamagni
The causal effect of including standards-related documentation into patent prior art: evidence from a recent EPO policy change
2016/10 |
F.Calvino, M.E.Virgillito
The Innovation-Employment nexus: a critical survey of theory and empirics
2016/09 |
C.Santi, P.Santoleri
Exploring the link between Innovation and Growth in Chilean firms
2016/08 |
G.Bottazzi, A.De Sanctis, F.Vanni
Non-performing loans, systemic risk and resilience in financial networks
2016/07 |
M.Grazzi, D.Moschella
Small, young, and exporters: New evidence on the determinants of firm growth
2016/06 |
G.Dosi, M.C. Pereira, A. Roventini, M.E. Virgillito
When more Flexibility Yields more Fragility: the Microfoundations of Keynesian Aggregate Unemployment
2016/05 |
V.Cirillo, M.Sostero, F.Tamagni
Innovation and within-firm wage inequalities: empirical evidence from major European countries
2016/04 |
F.Bogliacino, D.Guarascio, V.Cirillo
The dynamics of profits and wages: technology, offshoring and demand
2016/03 |
S.Bianchini, G.Pellegrino, F.Tamagni
Innovation Strategies and Firm Growth
2016/02 |
C.E. Mattei
Hawtrey, Austerity, and the ‘Treasury View’, 1918-25
2016/01 |
F. Lamperti, C.E. Mattei
Going Up and Down: Rethinking the Empirics of Growth in the Developing and Newly Industrialized World
2015/34 |
F.Lamperti, M.Napoletano, A.Roventini
Preventing Environmental Disasters: Market-Based vs. Command-and-Control Policies
2015/33 |
L.Popoyan, M.Napoletano, A.Roventini
Taming Macroeconomic Instability: Monetary and Macro Prudential Policy Interactions in an Agent-Based Model
2015/32 |
Survival in Speculative Markets
2015/31 |
M.Fana, D.Guarascio, V.Cirillo
Labour market reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the Jobs Act
2015/30 |
V.Cirillo, M.Pianta, L.Nascia
The Dynamics of Skills: Technology and Business Cycles
2015/29 |
G.Bottazzi, P.Dindo, D.Giachini
Long-run Heterogeneity in an Exchange Economy with Fixed-Mix Traders
2015/28 |
G.Bottazzi, U.Gragnolati, F.Vanni
Non-linear externalities in firm localization
2015/27 |
T.Brenner, M.Capasso, M.Duschl, K.Frenken, T.Treibich
Causal Relations between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Regional Employment Growth
2015/26 |
G. Bottazzi, P. Dindo
Drift criteria for persistence of discrete stochastic
processes on the line with examples of application
2015/25 |
F. Bogliacino, D. Guarascio, V. Cirillo
Where does the surplus go? Disentangling the capital-labor distributive conflict
2015/24 |
F. Pancotto, G. Pignataro, D. Raggi
Social Learning and Higher Order Beliefs: A Structural Model of Exchange Rates Dynamics
2015/23 |
C.E. Mattei
The Guardians of Capitalism: International Consensus and Fascist Technocratic Implementation of Austerity
2015/22 |
M. Samandar, S.K. Bagheri
Gender Gap in Patenting Activities: Evidence from Iran
2015/21 |
C. Daraio, L. Simar, P.W. Wilson
Testing the "separability" condition in two-stage nonparametric models of production
2015/20 |
M. Franzini, M. Pianta
Four engines of inequality
2015/19 |
M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, J. Gaffard
Time-Varying Fiscal Multipliers in an Agent-Based Model with Credit Rationing
2015/18 |
A. Missiaia
Where Do We Go From Here? Market Access and Regional Development in Italy (1871–1911)
2015/17 |
C.E. Mattei
Austerity and Repressive Politics: Italian Economists in the Early Years of the Fascist Government
2015/16 |
M. Chinazzi, S. Pegoraro, G. Fagiolo
Defuse the Bomb: Rewiring Interbank Networks
2015/15 |
D. Guarascio, M. Pianta, M. Lucchese, F. Bogliacino
Business Cycles, Technology and Exports
2015/14 |
M. Mazzucato, L.R. Wray
Financing the Capital Development of the Economy: A Keynes-Schumpeter-Minsky Synthesis
2015/13 |
M. Valente
When the Brightest are not the Best
2015/12 |
L. Colombo, H. Dawid, M. Piva, M. Vivarelli
Are R&D investments by incumbents decreasing in the availability of complementary assets for start-ups?
2015/11 |
P. Battiston, L. Stanca
Boundedly Rational Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks: Does Indegree Matter?
2015/10 |
E. Giuliani, A. Martinelli, R. Rabellotti
Is Co-Invention Expediting Technological Catch Up? A Study of Collaboration between Emerging Country Firms and EU inventors
2015/09 |
M. Vivarelli
Structural Change and Innovation in Developing Economies:A Way Out of the Middle Income Trap ?
2015/08 |
F. Etro, E. Stepanova
Entry of Painters in the Amsterdam Market of the Golden Age
2015/07 |
F. Etro, E. Stepanova
Art Collections and Taste in the Spanish Siglo de Oro
2015/06 |
I. Iodice, C. Tomasi
Skill upgrading, wage gap and international trade: firm-level evidence for Italian manufacturing firms
2015/05 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella
What do firms know? What do they produce? A new look at the relationship between patenting profiles and patterns of product diversification
2015/04 |
G. Dosi, M.C. Pereira, M.E. Virgillito
The footprint of evolutionary processes of learning and selection upon the statistical properties of industrial dynamics
2015/03 |
X. Yu, G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, J. Lei
Inside the Virtuous Cycle between Productivity, Profitability, Investment and Corporate Growth: An Anatomy of China Industrialization
2015/02 |
F. Lamperti
An Information Theoretic Criterion for Empirical Validation of Time Series Models
2015/01 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo, E. Paraskevopoulou, M. Valente
A model of cognitive and operational memory of organizations in changing worlds
2014/26 |
L. Fontagné, A. Secchi, C. Tomasi
Fickle product mix: exporters adapting their product vectors across markets
2014/25 |
M. Grazzi, C. Tomasi
Productivity Sorting and Mode of Export
2014/24 |
B. Coriat
Building on institutional failures: the European Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance
2014/23 |
C. Ciccarelli, A. Nuvolari
Technical Change, Non-Tariff Barriers, and the Development of the Italian Locomotive Industry, 1850-1913
2014/22 |
G. Dosi, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, T. Treibich
The Short- and Long-Run Damages of Fiscal Austerity: Keynes beyond Schumpeter
2014/21 |
G. Dosi,M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, T. Treibich
Micro and Macro Policies in Keynes+Schumpeter Evolutionary Models
2014/20 |
G. Fagiolo, G. Santoni
Revisiting the Role of Social Networks as Determinants of International-Migration Flows: A Note
2014/19 |
P. Battiston
Citations are Forever: Modeling Constrained Network Formation
2014/18 |
S. Bianchini, F. Lissoni, M. Pezzoni, L. Zirulia
The economics of research, consulting, and teaching quality: theory and evidence from a technical university
2014/17 |
A. Secchi, F. Tamagni, C. Tomasi
The micro patterns of export diversification under financial constraints
2014/16 |
A. Secchi, F. Tamagni, C. Tomasi
Financial constraints and firm exports: accounting for heterogeneity, self-selection and endogeneity
2014/15 |
S. Borghesi, C. Calastri, G. Fagiolo
How do people choose their commuting mode? An evolutionary approach to transport choices
2014/14 |
M. Bagues, M. Sylos-Labini, N. Zinovyeva
Do gender quotas pass the test ? Evidence from academic evaluations in Italy
2014/13 |
M. Mastrorillo, G. Fagiolo
International Migration and School Enrollment of the Left-Behinds in Albania: A Note
2014/12 |
M. Campi, M. Dueñas
Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade of Agricultural Products
2014/11 |
S. Bianchini, G. Bottazzi, F. Tamagni
What does (not) determine persistent corporate high-growth?
2014/10 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, D. Moschella
Technology and costs in international competitiveness: from countries and sectors to firms
2014/09 |
M. G. Alatriste Contreras, G. Fagiolo
Propagation of Economic Shocks in Input-Output Networks: A Cross-Country Analysis
2014/08 |
G. Fagiolo, G. Santoni
Human-Mobility Networks, Country Income, and Labor Productivity
2014/07 |
G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, T. Treibich
Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Complex Evolving Economies
2014/06 |
R. Mastrandrea, T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
Intensive and extensive biases in economic networks: reconstructing
world trade
2014/05 |
M. Dosso
Restructuring in France’s innovation system: from the mission-oriented model to a systemic approach of innovation
2014/04 |
L. Marengo, P. Zeppini
The arrival of the new
2014/03 |
S. Jacob Leal, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, G. Fagiolo
Rock around the Clock: An Agent-Based Model of Low- and High-Frequency Trading
2014/01 |
G. Bottazzi, F. Vanni
A numerical estimation method for discrete choice models with non-linear externalities
2013/24 |
G. Dosi, M. Sodini, M.E. Virgillito
Profit-driven and demand-driven investment growth and fluctuations in different accumulation regimes
2013/23 |
G. Dosi, J. Stiglitz
The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Development Process, with Some Lessons from Developed Countries: An Introduction
2013/22 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, L. Marengo, S. Settepanella
Production theory: accounting for firm heterogeneity and technical change
2013/21 |
G. Amendola, L. Marengo, D. Pirino, S. Settepanella, A. Takemura
Decidability in complex social choices
2013/20 |
A. Nuvolari, M. Vasta
Independent Invention in Italy during the Liberal Age, 1861-1913
2013/19 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Mastrorillo
Migration and Trade: A Complex-Network Approach
2013/18 |
M.V.Tomasello, M.Napoletano, A.Garas, F.Schweitzer
The Rise and Fall of R&D Networks
2013/17 |
G.Bottazzi, D.Pirino, F.Tamagni
Zipf Law and the Firm Size Distribution: a critical discussion of popular estimators
2013/16 |
R. Mastrandrea, T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
Enhanced network reconstruction from irreducible local information
2013/15 |
G. Dosi, D. Moschella, E. Pugliese, F.Tamagni
Productivity, market selection and corporate growth: comparative evidence across US and Europe
2013/14 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo
The dynamics of organizational structures and performances under diverging distributions of
knowledge and different power structures
2013/13 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi
Financial Fragility and the Distribution of Firm Growth Rates
2013/12 |
M. Dueñas, G. Fagiolo
Global Trade Imbalances: A Network Approach
2013/11 |
M. Barigozzi, A. Conti
On the Stability of Euro Area Money Demand and its Implications for Monetary Policy
2013/10 |
M. Lanati
Estimating the elasticity of trade: the trade share approach
2013/09 |
M. Campi, A. Nuvolari
Intellectual Property Protection in Plant Varieties. A New Worldwide Index (1961-2011)
2013/08 |
M. Chinazzi, G. Fagiolo
Systemic Risk, Contagion, and Financial Networks: A Survey
2013/07 |
G. Dosi, J. Lei, X. Yu
Institutional Change and Productivity Growth in China's Manufacturing: The Microeconomics of Creative Restructuring
2013/06 |
M. Grazzi, N. Jacoby, T. Treibich
Dynamics of Investment and Firm Performance: Comparative evidence from manufacturing industries
2013/05 |
G. Devetag, S. Di Guida, L. Polonio
An eye-tracking study of feature-based choice in one-shot games
2013/04 |
S. Ille
Simulating Conventions and Norms under Local Interactions and Imitation
2013/03 |
T. Ferraresi, A. Roventini, G. Fagiolo
Fiscal Policies and Credit Regimes: A TVAR Approach
2013/02 |
G. Bottazzi, M. Grazzi
Dynamics of productivity and cost of labor in Italian Manufacturing firms
2013/01 |
S. Ille
A Simple Model of Conflict
2012/24 |
N. Mathew
Drivers of Firm Growth: Micro-evidence from Indian Manufacturing
2012/23 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Mastrorillo
The International-Migration Network
2012/22 |
G. Bottazzi, M. Dueñas
The Evolution of the Business Cycles and Growth Rates Distributions
2012/21 |
V. Maestri, A. Roventini
Inequality and Macroeconomic Factors: A Time-Series Analysis for a Set of OECD Countries
2012/20 |
E.Y. Catela, M. Cimoli, G. Porcile
Productivity and structural heterogeneity in the Brazilian manufacturing sector: trends and determinants
2012/19 |
S. Manfredini, S. Settepanella
On the Configuration Spaces of Grassmannian Manifolds
2012/18 |
A. Nuvolari, J. Sumner
Inventors, Patents and Inventive Activities in the English Brewing Industry, 1634-1850
2012/17 |
A. Abbate, L. De Benedictis, G. Fagiolo, L. Tajoli
The International Trade Network in Space and Time
2012/16 |
M. Barigozzi, A. Moneta
Identifying the Independent Sources of Consumption Variation
2012/15 |
S. Manfredini, S. Parveen, S. Settepanella
Braid groups in complex spaces
2012/14 |
H. Hammadou, S. Paty, M. Savona
Strategic interactions in public R&D across EU-15 countries:
A spatial econometric analysis
2012/13 |
G. Barboni, T. Treibich
(Just) first time lucky? The impact of single versus multiple bank lending relationships
on firms and banks' behavior
2012/12 |
L. Marengo, D. Pirino, S. Settepanella, A. Takemura
Decidability in complex social choices
2012/11 |
G. Amendola, L. Marengo, S. Settepanella
Decidability and manipulability in social choice
2012/10 |
M. Dosso
Exploring the causes behind the persistence of French technological specializations
2012/09 |
U. Cantner, M. Guerzoni, A. Martinelli
Innovation and market dynamics: A two-mode network approach to user-producer relation
2012/08 |
G. Dosi
Economic Coordination and Dynamics: Some Elements of an Alternative "Evolutionary" Paradigm
2012/07 |
D. Pirino, J.Rigosa, A. Ledda, L. Ferretti
Detecting Correlations among Functional Sequence Motifs
2012/06 |
T. Ciarli, A. Lorentz, M. Savona, M. Valente
The role of technology, organisation, and demand in growth and
income distribution
2012/05 |
S. Ille
A Dynamical Approach to Conflict Analysis
2012/04 |
M. Chinazzi, G. Fagiolo, J.A. Reyes, S. Schiavo
Post-Mortem Examination of the International Financial Network
2012/03 |
G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini
Income Distribution, Credit and Fiscal Policies in an Agent-Based Keynesian Model
2012/02 |
G. Ascari, G. Fagiolo, A. Roventini
Fat-Tail Distributions and Business-Cycle Models
2012/01 |
G. Devetag, H. Hosni, G. Sillari
You Better Play 7: Mutual versus Common Knowledge of Advice in a Weak-link Experiment
2011/26 |
G. Fagiolo, T. Squartini, D. Garlaschelli
Null Models of Economic Networks: The Case of the World Trade Web
2011/25 |
M. Dueñas, G. Fagiolo
Modeling the International-Trade Network: A Gravity Approach
2011/24 |
A. Secchi, F. Tamagni, C. Tomasi
Exporting under financial constraints: margins, switching dynamics and prices
2011/23 |
M.W. Davis,S. Settepanella
Vanishing results for the cohomology of complex toric hyperplane complements
2011/22 |
A. Nuvolari, M. Ricci
Economic Growth in England, 1250-1850: Some New Estimates Using a Demand Side Approach
2011/21 |
J. Bessen, A. Nuvolari
Knowledge Sharing among Inventors: Some Historical Perspectives
2011/20 |
B. Coriat, L. Orsenigo
Issues in the Post-2005 TRIPS agenda
2011/19 |
U. Gragnolati, D. Moschella, E. Pugliese
The Spinning Jenny and the Guillotine: Technological Diffusion at the Time of Revolutions
2011/18 |
G. Devetag, F. Pancotto, T. Brenner
| The Minority Game Unpacked: Coordination and
Competition in a Team-based Experimente
2011/17 |
B. Coriat, O. Weinstein
| Patent regimes, firms and the commodification of knowledge
2011/16 |
B. Coriat
| From Natural-Resource Commons to Knowledge Commons: Common Traits and Differences
2011/15 |
V. Revest, S. Sapio
| An Essay on the Emergence, Organization and Performance of Financial Markets: the case of the Alternative Investment Market
2011/14 |
S. Sapio, A. Kirman, G. Dosi
| The Emergence and Impact of
Market Institutions: The Wholesale Market for Fish and Other
Perishable Commodities
2011/13 |
D.Fiaschi, E.Giuliani
| The impact of business on society: exploring CRS adoption and alleged human rights abuses by large corporations
2011/12 |
C. Castaldi, G. Dosi, E. Paraskevopoulou
| Path dependence in technologies and organizations: a concise guide
2011/11 |
G. Bottazzi, P. Dindo
| Selection in asset markets: the good, the bad, and the
2011/10 |
E. Paraskevopoulou
| The co-evolution of sectoral regulation and technological
innovation: the case of detergents industry in Europe
2011/09 |
T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
| Rewiring World Trade. Part II: A Weighted Network Analysis
2011/08 |
T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
| Rewiring World Trade. Part I: A Binary Network Analysis
2011/07 |
T. Squartini, D. Garlaschelli
Exact maximum-likelihood method to detect patterns in real networks
2011/06 |
M. Cimoli, G. Dosi, R. Mazzoleni, B. Sampat
Innovation, technical change and patents in the development process: A long term view
2011/05 |
A. Martinelli
An emerging paradigm or just another trajectory? Understanding the nature of technological changes using engineering heuristics in the telecommunications switching industry
2011/04 |
G. Dosi, M. Faillo, L. Marengo, D. Moschella
Toward Formal Representations of Search Processes and Routines in Organizational Problem Solving. An Assessment
of the State of the Art
2011/03 |
A. Nuvolari, B. Verspagen, N. Von Tunzelmann
The Early Diffusion of the Steam Engine in Britain, 1700-1800. A Reappraisal
2011/02 |
M. Capasso, E. Cefis, K. Frenken
Spatial Differentiation in Industrial Dynamics. A Core-Periphery Analysis Based on the Pavitt-Miozzo-Soete Taxonomy
2011/01 |
M. Capasso, E. Cefis, S. Sapio
Framing the empirical findings on firm growth
2010/22 |
M.G. Jacobides, S.G. Winter, S.M. Kassberger
The Dynamics of Wealth, Profit and Sustainable Advantage
2010/21 |
G. Barboni, T. Treibich
On the Latin American Growth Paradox: A Hindsight into the Golden Age
2010/20 |
G. Bottazzi, P. Dindo
Evolution and market behavior with endogenous investment rules
2010/19 |
A.B. Bernard, M. Grazzi, C. Tomasi
Intermediaries in International Trade: direct versus indirect modes of export
2010/18 |
G. Devetag, S. Di Guida
Feature-based Choice and Similarity in Normal-form Games: An Experimental Study
2010/17 |
S. Settepanella
The integer cohomology of toric Weyl arrangements
2010/16 |
G. Bottazzi, U. Gragnolati
Cities and clusters: economy-wide and sector-specific effects in corporate location
2010/15 |
M. Barigozzi, G. Fagiolo, G. Mangioni
Identifying the Community Structure of the International-Trade Multi Network
2010/14 |
P. Dindo, J. Tuinstra
A class of evolutionary models for participation games with negative feedback
2010/13 |
L. Moci, S. Settepanella
The homotopy type of toric arrangements
2010/12 |
O. Tokarchuk, R. Gabriele
Assessing elicitation task bias in time preference using experiments with artificial subjects
2010/11 |
F. Corsi, D. Pirino, R. Reno'
Threshold Bipower Variation and the Impact of Jumps on Volatility Forecasting
2010/10 |
G. Bottazzi, D. Pirino
Measuring Industry Relatedness and Corporate Coherence
2010/09 |
U. Gragnolati, D. Moschella, E. Pugliese
The Spinning Jenny and the Industrial Revolution: A Reappraisal
2010/08 |
L. Marengo, C. Pasquali
How to get what you want when you do not know what you want. A model of incentives, organizational structure and learning
2010/07 |
G. Bottazzi, F. Tamagni
Is Bigger Always Better ? The effect of Size on Defaults
2010/06 |
E. Giuliani
Multinational Corporations, Technology Spillovers and Human Rights's Impacts on Developing Countries
2010/05 |
G. Amendola, S. Settepanella
Modularity and Optimality in Social Choice
2010/04 |
C. MacLeod, A. Nuvolari
Patents and Industrialization: An Historical Overview of the British Case, 1624-1907
2010/03 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi, C. Tomasi, A. Zeli
Turbulence underneath the big calm? Exploring the micro-evidence behind the flat trend of manufacturing productivity in Italy
2010/02 |
L. Marengo, S. Settepanella
Social Choice among Complex Objects
2010/01 |
S. Settepanella
Social Choice among Complex Objects: Mathematical Tools
2009/21 |
S. Sapio
Modelling the distribution of day-ahead electricity returns: a comparison
2009/20 |
A. Petrella, S. Sapio
How does market architecture affect price dynamics?
A time series analysis of the Italian day-ahead electricity prices
2009/19 |
F. Serti, C. Tomasi, A. Zanfei
The links between internationalization, skills and wages. The role of differences across firms and across partner countries.
2009/18 |
F. Serti, C. Tomasi
Self-selection along different export and import markets
2009/17 |
C. Manig, A. Moneta
More or Better? Measuring Quality versus Quantity in Food Consumption
2009/16 |
M. Grazzi
Trade and Profitability: Is there an export premium? Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms
2009/15 |
M. Capasso, E. Cefis, K. Frenken
Do some Firms Persistently Outperform ?
2009/14 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Napoletano, M. Piazza, A. Roventini
Detrending and the Distributional Properties of U.S. Output Time Series
2009/13 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, N. Jacoby, A. Secchi, F. Tamagni
Corporate performances and market selection. Some comparative evidence
2009/12 |
M. Sylos Labini, N. Zinovyeva
Stimulating Graduates' Research-Oriented Careers: Does Academic Research Matter ?
2009/11 |
M. Valente
Markets fo Heterogeneous Products: a Boundedly Rational Consumer Model
2009/10 |
M. Corsino, R. Gabriele, E. Zaninotto
How Do Organizational Capabilities Shape Industry Dynamics ?
2009/09 |
M. Barigozzi, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli
The Multi-Network of International Trade: A Commodity-Specific Analysis
2009/08 |
G. Fagiolo
The International-Trade Network: Gravity Equations and Topological Properties
2009/07 |
G. Dosi, R. R. Nelson
Technical Change and Industrial Dynamics as Evolutionary Processes
2009/06 |
G. Bottazzi, M. Grazzi, A. Secchi, F. Tamagni
Financial and Economic Determinants of Firm Default
2009/05 |
L. Marengo, C. Pasquali, M. Valente, G. Dosi
Appropriability, Patents, and Rates of Innovation in Complex Products Industries
2009/04 |
S. Vitali, M. Napoletano, G. Fagiolo
Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis
2009/03 |
A. Nuvolari, V. Tartari
Bennet Woodcroft and the Value of English Patents, 1617-1841
2009/02 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Devetag, F. Pancotto
Does Volatility matter ? Expectations of price return and variability in an asset
pricing experiment
2009/01 |
H. Koski, L. Marengo, I. Makinen
Firm size, managerial practices and innovativeness:
some evidence from Finnish manufacturing
2008/28 |
L. Marengo, S. Settepanella
Social choice on complex objects: A geometric approach
2008/27 |
G. Bottazzi, P. Dindo
An evolutionary model of firms location with technological externalities
2008/26 |
M. Valente
Pseudo-NK: an Enhanced Model of Complexity
2008/25 |
E. Cefis
The Impact of M&A on Technology Sourcing Strategies
2008/24 |
L. Marengo, C. Pasquali
A computational voting model
2008/23 |
V. Revest, S. Sapio
Financing Technology-Based Small Firms in Europe: A review of the empirical evidence.
2008/22 |
L. Badin, C. Daraio, L. Simar
Optimal Bandwidth Selection for Conditional Efficiency Measures: a Data-driven Approach
2008/21 |
G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo, A. Roventini
Schumpeter Meeting Keynes: A Policy-Friendly Model of Endogenous Growth and Business Cycles
2008/20 |
A. Coad, R. Rao, F. Tamagni
Growth Processes of Italian Manufacturing Firms
2008/19 |
M. Cimoli, G. Dosi, J. E. Stiglitz
The Future of Industrial Policies in the New Millennium: Toward a Knowledge-Centered Development Agenda
2008/18 |
M. Barigozzi, L. Alessi, M. Capasso, G. Fagiolo
The Distribution of Consumption-Expenditure Budget Shares. Evidence from Italian Households
2008/17 |
S. Giannangeli, G. Fagiolo, M. Molinari
Financial Structure and Corporate Growth: Evidence from Italian Panel Data
2008/16 |
G. Fagiolo, J. Reyes, S. Schiavo
The World-Trade Web: Topological Properties, Dynamics, and Evolution
2008/15 |
M. Cimoli, G. Dosi, J. E. Stiglitz
The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation: the Past and Future of Policies for Industrial Development. A Preface
2008/14 |
F. Serti, C. Tomasi
Firm Heterogeneity: do destinations of exports and origins of imports matter?
2008/13 |
A. Coad
Distance to Frontier and Appropriate Business Strategy
2008/12 |
M. Valente
Laboratory for Simulation Develpment - LSD
2008/11 |
G. Bottazzi, P. Dindo
Localized technological externalities and the geographical distribution of firms
2008/10 |
J. Reyes, G. Fagiolo, S. Schiavo
Using a complex weighted-network approach to assess the evolution of international economic integration: The cases of East Asia and Latin America
2008/09 |
M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso
Nonfundamental Representations of the Relation between Technology Shocks and Hours Worked
2008/08 |
T. Ciarli, A. Lorentz, M. Savona, M. Valente
Structural Change of Production and Consumption: A Micro to
Macro Approach to Economic Growth and Income Distribution
2008/07 |
S. Sapio
Volatility-price relationships in power exchanges:
A demand-supply analysis
2008/06 |
M. Cimoli, A. Primi
Technology and intellectual property:
a taxonomy of contemporary markets for knowledge
and their implications for development
2008/05 |
F. Serti, C. Tomasi, A. Zanfei
Exporters, Importers and Two-way traders:
The links between internationalization,
skills and wage
2008/04 |
D. Castellani, F. Serti, C. Tomasi
Firms in International Trade: Importers and Exporters Heterogeneity in Italian Manufacturing Data
2008/03 |
G.Fagiolo, A. Roventini
On the Scientific Status of Economic Policy: A Tale of Alternative Paradigms
2008/02 |
M. Corsino
Product Innovation and Growth: The Case of Integrated Circuits
2008/01 |
C. Castaldi, G. Dosi
Technical Change and Economic Growth: Some Lessons from Secular Patterns and Some Conjectures on the Impact of ICT Technologies
2007/28 |
The International Study Group
Exports and Productivity - Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries
2007/27 |
M. Anufriev, P. Dindo
Wealth-driven Selection in a Financial Market with Heterogeneous Agents
2007/26 |
P. Giuri, M. Mariani
Inventors and the Geographical Breadth of Knowledge Spillovers
2007/25 |
J. Reyes , S. Schiavo, G. Fagiolo
Using Complex Network Analysis to Assess the Evolution of International Economic Integration: The cases of East Asia and Latin America
2007/24 |
G. Fagiolo, L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso
On the distributional properties of household consumption expenditures. The case of Italy.
2007/23 |
M. Capasso, L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, G. Fagiolo
On approximating the distributions of goodness-of-fit test statistics based on the empirical distribution function: The case of unknown parameters.
2007/22 |
L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso
A Review of Nonfundamentalness and Identification in Structural VAR Models
2007/21 |
M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso
A Multivariate Perspective for Modelling and Forecasting Inflation's Conditional Mean and Variance
2007/20 |
F. Serti, C. Tomasi
Self Selection and Post-Entry Effects of Exports. Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Firms
2007/19 |
L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso
A Robust Criterion for Determining the Number of Static Factors in Approximate Factor Models
2007/18 |
G. Dosi
Technological innovation, institutions and human purposefulness in socioeconomic evolution: A preface to Christopher Freeman "System of Innovation. Selected Essays in Evolutionary Economics"
2007/17 |
G. Fagiolo, J. Reyes , S. Schiavo
The Evolution of the World Trade Web
2007/16 |
G. Fagiolo, J. Reyes , S. Schiavo
International Trade and Financial Integration: A Weighted Network Analysis
2007/15 |
G. Bottazzi, M. Grazzi, A. Secchi, F. Tamagni
Assessing the Impact of Credit Ratings and Economic Performance on Firm Default
2007/14 |
C. Castaldi, G. Dosi
The patterns of output growth of firms and countries: new evidence on scale invariances and specificities
2007/13 |
M.S. Gary, G. Dosi, D. Lovallo
Boom and Bust Behavior: On the Persistence of Strategic Decision Biases and their Collective Outcome
2007/12 |
G. Dosi, A. Gambardella, M. Grazzi, L. Orsenigo
Technological revolutions and the evolution of industrial structures. Assessing the impact of new technologies upon size, pattern of growth and boundaries of the firms
2007/11 |
G. Bottazzi
A comment on the relationship between firms' size and growth rate
2007/10 |
G. Bottazzi
On the Irreconcilability of Pareto and Gibrat Laws
2007/09 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Valente, N.J. Vriend
Dynamic Models of Segregation in Small-World Networks
2007/08 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi
Repeated Choices under Dynamic Externalities
2007/07 |
G. Bottazzi
On the Pareto Type III Distribution
2007/06 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo, A. Secchi |
Modeling Industrial Evolution in Geographical Space
2007/05 |
G. Bottazzi, M. Grazzi
Wage Structure in Italian Manufacturing Firms
2007/04 |
R.R. Nelson, S. G. Winter
Preface to the Japanese Translation of An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change
2007/03 |
G. Cattani, A. Dorsch, S. G. Winter
The Value of Moderate Obsession: Insights from a New Model of Organizational Search
2007/02 |
T. Ciarli, M. Valente
Production Structure and Economic Fluctuations
2007/01 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo
On the Convergence of Evolutionary and Behavioral Theories of Organizations: A Tentative Roadmap
2006/30 |
V. Movsesyan
Regulatory Competition Puzzle: the European Design
2006/29 |
A. Coad
A Closer Look at Serial Growth Rate Correlation
2006/28 |
A. Lorentz, M. Savona
Evolutionary Micro-dynamics and Changes in the Economic Structure
2006/27 |
L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso |
A Dynamic Factor Analysis of Business Cycle on Firm-Level Data
2006/26 |
P.A. David, F. Rullani |
Micro-dynamics of Free and Open Source Software Development.
Lurking, laboring and launching new projects on SourceForge
2006/25 |
L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso |
Dynamic Factor GARCH: Multivariate Volatility Forecast for a Large Number of Series
2006/24 |
R. R. Nelson |
What Makes an Economy Productive and Progressive? What Are the Needed Institutions?
2006/23 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Napoletano, A. Roventini |
Are Output Growth-Rate Distributions Fat-Tailed? Some Evidence from OECD Countries
2006/21 |
S. G. Winter |
The Logic of Appropriability: From Schumpeter to Arrow to Teece
2006/20 |
R. R. Nelson |
Reflections on ''The Simple Economics of Basic Research'': Looking Back and Looking Forwards
2006/19 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Symmetric and Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution
2006/18 |
A. Coad, R. Rao |
Innovation and Firm Growth in High-Tech Sectors: A Quantile Regression Approach
2006/17 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo, C. Pasquali |
How Much Should Society Fuel the Greed of Innovators?
On the Relations between Appropriability, Opportunities and Rates of Innovation
2006/16 |
R.L. Bruno |
Unique Equilibrium in a Model of Rule of Law
2006/15 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi |
Energy, Development, and the Environment: An Appraisal Three Decades
After the "Limits to Growth" Debate
2006/14 |
G. Fagiolo, P. Windrum, A. Moneta |
Empirical Validation of Agent-Based Models: A Critical Survey
2006/13 |
L. Alessi, M. Barigozzi, M. Capasso |
Generalized Dynamic Factor Model + GARCH. Exploiting Multivariate Information for Univariate Prediction.
2006/12 |
S. Sapio |
An Empirically Based Model of the Supply Schedule in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets
2006/11 |
M. Cimoli, M. Holland, G. Porcile, A. Primi, S. Vergara |
Growth, Structural Change and Technological Capabilities Latina America in a Comparative Perspective
2006/10 |
G. Dosi, M. Faillo, L. Marengo |
Modeling Routines and Organizational Learning. A Discussion of the State-of-the-Art
2006/09 |
S. Sapio, G. Thoma |
The Growth of Industrial Sectors: Theoretical Insights and Empirical Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing
2006/08 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi, F. Tamagni |
Productivity, Profitability and Financial Fragility: Empirical Evidence from Italian Business Firms
2006/07 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi, F. Tamagni |
Financial Fragility and Growth Dynamics of Italian Business Firms
2006/06 |
M. Mariani, M. Romanelli |
"Stacking" or "Picking" Patents? The Inventors' Choice Between Quantity and Quality
2006/05 |
M. Di Maio, M. Valente |
Uncertainty, Optimal Specialization and Growth
2006/04 |
A. Gambardella, P. Giuri, A. Luzzi |
The Market for Patents in Europe
2006/03 |
C. Castaldi, R. Fontana, A. Nuvolari |
'Chariots of Fire': The Evolution of Tank Technology, 1915-1945
2006/02 |
M. Cimoli, G. Dosi, R. R. Nelson, J. Stiglitz |
Institutions and Policies Shaping Industrial Development: An Introductory Note
2006/01 |
R. Mazzoleni, R. R. Nelson |
The Roles of Research at Universities and Public Labs in Economic Catch-up
2005/28 |
R. R. Nelson |
Bounded Rationality, Cognitive Maps, and Trial and Error Learning
2005/27 |
M. Anufriev |
Wealth-Driven Competition in a Speculative Financial Market: Examples with Maximizing Agents
2005/26 |
G. Dosi, M. Grazzi |
Technologies as Problem-solving Procedures
and Technologies as Input-Output Relations:
Some Perspectives on the Theory of Production
2005/25 |
M. Savona, A. Lorentz |
Demand and Technology Contribution to Structural Change and Tertiarisation:
An Input-Output Structural Decomposition Analysis
2005/24 |
M. Merito, A. Bonaccorsi |
Innovation and Standards in Clinical Practice: The Case of HIV Treatments
2005/23 |
L. Marengo, C. Pasquali
How to Construct Alternatives: a Computational Voting Model
2005/22 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Valente, N.J. Vriend |
Segregation in Networks
2005/21 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Coad, N. Jacoby, A. Secchi |
Corporate Growth and Industrial Dynamics: Evidence from French Manufacturing
2005/20 |
P. Giuri, M. Mariani, and all PatVal-EU researchers |
Everything you Always Wanted to Know About Inventors
(but Never Asked): Evidence from the PatVal-EU Survey
2005/19 |
S. Mendonca |
The Revolution Within: ICT and the Shifting Knowledge Base of the World�s Largest Companies.
2005/18 |
F. Rullani |
The Debate and the Community. "Reflexive Identity" in the FLOSS Community.
2005/17 |
G. Dosi |
Statistical Regularities in the Evolution of Industries. A Guide through some Evidence and Challenges for the Theory
2005/16 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi |
Explaining the Distribution of Firms Growth Rates
2005/15 |
M. Bagues, M. Sylos Labini |
Do On-Line Labor Market Intermediaries
Matter? The Impact of AlmaLaurea on University-to-Work Transition
2005/14 |
A. Moneta, P. Spirtes |
Graph-Based Search Procedure for Vector Autoregressive Models
2005/13 |
A. Bonaccorsi, G. Thoma |
Scientific and Technological Regimes in
Nanotechnology: Combinatorial Inventors and Performance
2005/12 |
C. Daraio, L. Simar |
Conditional Nonparametric Frontier Models for Convex
and Non Convex Technologies: a Unifying Approach
2005/11 |
P. Giuri, S. Torrisi, N. Zinovyeva |
ICT, Skills and Organisational Change: Evidence from a Panel of Italian
Manufacturing Firms
2005/10 |
F. Cesaroni, P. Giuri |
Intellectual Property Rights and Market Dynamics
2005/09 |
E. Cefis, R. Gabriele |
Does Spatial Disaggregation Matter in Job Creation and
Destruction Flows?
2005/08 |
P. Giuri, A. Luzzi |
Commercialisation Strategies of Technology based European SMEs: Markets for
Technology vs Markets for Products
2005/07 |
S. Schiavo |
Common Currencies and FDI Flows
2005/06 |
M. Anufriev, G. Bottazzi |
Price and Wealth Dynamics in a Speculative Market with an Arbitrary Number of
Generic Technical Traders
2005/05 |
G. Fagiolo |
A Note on Equilibrium Selection in Polya-Urn Coordination Games
2005/04 |
G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo, A. Roventini |
Animal Spirits, Lumpy Investment, and Endogenous Business Cycles
2005/03 |
M. Napoletano, D. Delli Gatti, G. Fagiolo, M. Gallegati |
Weird Ties? Growth, Cycles and Firm Dynamics in an
Agent-Based Model with Financial-Market
2005/02 |
G. Dosi, P. Llerena, M. Sylos Labini |
Science-Technology-Industry Links and
the �European Paradox�:
Some Notes on the Dynamics of Scientific
and Technological Research in Europe
2005/01 |
E. Cefis, O. Marsili |
A Matter of Life and Death: Innovation and Firm Survival
2004/25 |
M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, S. Sapio |
Are Business Cycles All Alike? A Bandpass Filter Analysis of Italian and US Cycles
2004/24 |
G. Bottazzi, M. Grazzi, A. Secchi |
Characterising the Production Process:
A Disaggregated Analysis of Italian Manufacturing Firms
2004/23 |
M. Anufriev, G. Bottazzi, F. Pancotto |
Price and Wealth Asymptotic Dynamics with CRRA Technical
Trading Strategies
2004/22 |
M. Anufriev, G. Bottazzi |
Asset Pricing Model with Heterogeneous Investment Horizons
2004/21 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo, A. Secchi |
Sectoral and Geographical Specificities in the Spatial Structure of
Economic Activities
2004/20 |
S. Winter |
Toward a Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm
2004/19 |
P. Giuri, M. Ploner, F. Rullani, S. Torrisi |
Skills, Division of Labor and Performance in Collective Inventions. Evidence from the Open Source Software
2004/18 |
C. Castaldi, G. Dosi |
Income Levels and Income Growth. Some New Cross-Country Evidence and Some Interpretative Puzzles
2004/17 |
G. Fagiolo, M. Valente |
Minority Games, Local Interactions, and Endogenous Networks
2004/16 |
A. Gambardella, M. Giarratana |
Fingerprints of the Visible Hand. Chandlerian Organizations and Their Inward-Looking Malaise
2004/15 |
S. Mendonca, T.S. Pereira, M.M. Godinho |
Trademarks as an Indicator of Innovation and Industrial Change
2004/14 |
G. Bottazzi |
Subbotools User's Manual
2004/13 |
G. Bottazzi, S. Sapio, A. Secchi |
Some Statistical Investigations on the Nature and Dynamics of Electricity Prices
2004/12 |
A. Gambardella, M. Giarratana |
Chandlerian Firms vs. Entrepreneurship
2004/11 |
C. Castaldi, A. Nuvolari |
Technological Revolutions and Economic Growth: The �Age of Steam� Reconsidered
2004/10 |
M. Sylos Labini |
Social Networks and Wages: It Is All About Connections!
2004/09 |
E. Giuliani |
Laggard Clusters as Slow Learners,
Emerging Clusters as Locus of
Knowledge Cohesion (and Exclusion):
A Comparative Study in the Wine
2004/08 |
G. Fagiolo, A. Luzzi |
Do Liquidity Constraints Matter in Explaining Firm Size and Growth? Some Evidence from the Italian Manufacturing Industry
2004/07 |
S. Sapio |
Market Design, Bidding Rules, and Long Memory in Electricity Prices
2004/06 |
A. Lorentz |
Sectoral Specialisation and Growth Rate Differences Among Integrated Economies
2004/05 |
M. Lippi, D. L. Thornton |
A Dynamic Factor Analysis of the Response of U. S. Interest Rates to News
2004/04 |
B. Coriat |
The State of Organizational Reform in European Firms.
Evidence from a comparative overview of ten EU countries
2004/03 |
M. Napoletano, A. Roventini, S. Sapio |
Yeast vs. Mushrooms: A Note on Harberger's "A Vision of the Growth Process"
2004/02 |
G. Fagiolo, G. Dosi, R. Gabriele |
Towards an Evolutionary Interpretation of Aggregate Labor Market Regularities
2004/01 |
C. Castaldi, M. Cimoli, N. Correa, G. Dosi |
Technological Learning, Policy Regimes and Growth
in a 'Globalized' Economy:
General Patterns and the Latin American Experience
2003/29 |
M. S. Giarratana |
Missing the Starting Gun? Entry Timing Decisions into New Market Niches
2003/28 |
M. S. Giarratana |
The Birth of a New Industry: Entry by Start-ups and the Drivers of Firm Growth.
The Case of Encryption Software
2003/27 |
P. Llerena, A. Lorentz |
Alternative Theories on Economic Growth and the Co-evolution of Macro-Dynamics and Technological Change: A Survey |
2003/26 |
R. R. Nelson |
On the Complexities and Limits of Market Organization |
2003/25 |
R. R. Nelson |
On the Uneven Evolution of Human Know-How |
2003/24 |
R. R. Nelson |
The Market Economy, and the Scientific Commons |
2003/23 |
R. L. Bruno |
Speed of Transition, Unemployment Dynamics and Nonemployment Policies: Evidence from the Visegrad Countries |
2003/22 |
M. Giarratana, A. Pagano, S. Torrisi |
Links Between Multinational Firms and Domestic Firms: a Comparison of the Software Industry in India, Ireland and Israel |
2003/21 |
G. Bottazzi, E. Cefis, G. Dosi, A. Secchi |
Invariances and Diversities in the Evolution of Manufacturing Industries |
2003/20 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo, G. Fagiolo |
Learning in Evolutionary Environments |
2003/19 |
G. Bottazzi, M. G. Devetag
Expectations Structure in Asset Pricing
Experiments |
2003/18 |
G. Bottazzi,
A. Secchi
Sectoral Specifities in the Dynamics
of U.S. Manufacturing Firms |
2003/17 |
C. Daraio, L. Simar
Introducing Environmental Variables in Nonparametric
Frontier Models: a Probabilistic Approach |
2003/16 |
C. Castaldi, M. Milakovic, A. Secchi
Diversification Patterns in the Growth of Firms: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing |
2003/15 |
S. K Ethiraj, D. Levinthal
Modularity and Innovation in Complex Systems |
2003/14 |
M. Lippi
Issues Concerning the Approximation Underlying the
Spectral Representation Theorem |
2003/13 |
M. Forni, M. Hallin, M. Lippi, L. Reichlin
The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model. One-Sided Estimation and Forecasting |
2003/12 |
S. G. Winter,
Y. M. Kaniovski, G. Dosi
A Baseline Model of Industry Evolution |
2003/11 |
G. Dosi, M. Faillo, L. Marengo |
Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of Knowledge Accumulation and Governance Structures in Business Firms An Introduction |
2003/10 |
J. Denrell, C. Fang, S. G. Winter |
The Economics of Strategic Opportunity |
2003/09 |
R. R. Nelson |
Physical and Social Technologies, and Their Evolution |
2003/08 |
B. Verspagen, C. Werker |
Mapping Evolutionary Economics in Europe |
2003/07 |
A. Moneta |
Graphical Models for Structural Vector Autoregressions |
2003/06 |
A. Gambardella, M. Mariani, S. Torrisi |
How Provincial is Your Region? Effects on Labour Productivity in Europe
2003/05 |
P. Llerena, A. Lorentz |
Cumulative Causation and Evolutionary Micro-Founded Technical Change: A Growth Model with Integrated Economies
2003/04 |
L. Marengo, G. Dosi |
Division of Labor, Organizational Coordination and Market Mechanism in Collective Problem-Solving
2003/03 |
G. Fagiolo, L. Marengo, M. Valente |
Endogenous Networks in Random Population Games
2003/02 |
C. Castaldi, G. Dosi |
The Grip of History and the Scope for Novelty: Some Results and Open Questions on Path Dependence in Economic Processes
2003/01 |
M. Milakovic |
Maximum Entropy Power Laws: An Application to the Tail of Wealth Distributions
2002/27 |
S. G. Winter |
Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Production
2002/26 |
G. Dosi, D. Levinthal, L. Marengo |
The Uneasy Organizational Matching Between Distribution of Knowledge, Divisionof Labor and Incentive Governance
2002/25 |
G. Fagiolo, G. Dosi |
Exploitation, Exploration and Innovation in a Model of Endogenous Growth with Locally Interacting Agents
2002/24 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, I. Rebesco |
Institutional Architectures and Behavioural Ecologies in the Dynamics of Financial Markets: a Preliminary Investigation
2002/23 |
P. Giuri, G. Rocchetti, S. Torrisi |
Open Source Software: From Open Science to New Marketing Models
2002/22 |
G. Dosi, C. Castaldi |
Local and Divergent Patterns of Technological Learning within (Partly) Globalized Markets.Is There Anything New? And What Can Policies Do about It? :
A Concise Guide
2002/21 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Fagiolo, G. Dosi |
Mapping Sectoral Patterns of Technological Accumulation into the Geography of Corporate Locations. A Simple Model and Some Promising Evidence
2002/20 |
G. Bottazzi, A. Secchi |
On The Laplace Distribution of Firms Growth Rates |
2002/19 |
C. Castaldi |
An Evolutionary Model of International Competition and Growth |
2002/18 |
G. Dosi, L. Orsenigo, M. Sylos Labini | Technology and the Economy | |
2002/17 |
A. Bonaccorsi, M. Martinelli, C. Rossi, I. Serrecchia |
Measuring and Modeling Internet Diffusion Using Second Level Domains: the Case of Italy |
2002/16 |
G. Dosi, M. Hobday, L. Marengo, A. Prencipe |
The Economics Of System Integration: Toward An Evolutionary Interpretation |
2002/15 |
A. Bonaccorsi, C. Rossi |
Why Open Source Software Can Succeed |
2002/14 |
M. Cimoli, N. Correa |
Trade Openess and Technological Gaps in Latin America: a Low Growth Trap |
2002/13 |
M. Cimoli |
Networks, Market Structures and Economic Shocks: The structural changes of Innovation Systems in Latin Americ |
2002/12 |
A. Bonaccorsi, C. Rossi |
The Adoption of Business to Business E-Commerce: Heterogeneity and Network Externality Effects |
2002/11 |
B. Codenotti, L. Foschini |
Small Worlds |
2002/10 |
G. Bottazzi |
A Simple Micro-Model of Market Dynamics Part I: The "Large Market" Deterministic Limit |
2002/09 |
G. Bottazzi, M. G. Devetag |
Coordination and Self-Organization in Minority Games: Experimental Evidence |
2002/08 |
F. Lotti, E. Santarelli, M. Vivarelli |
The Post-Entry Size Adjustment of New Small Firms |
2002/07 |
R. Gabriele |
Labor Market Dynamics and Institutions: an Evolutionary Approach |
2002/06 |
A. Gambardella, D. Ulph |
Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Inequality |
2002/05 |
A. Mangani, P. Patelli |
The Max-Min Principle of Product Differentiation: An Experimental Analysis
2002/04 |
P. Giuri, J. Hagedoorn, M. Mariani |
Technological Diversification and Strategic Alliances |
2002/03 |
G. Dosi |
A Very Reasonable Objective Still Beyond Our Reach: Economics as an Empirically Disciplined Social Science
2002/02 |
M. Gentile, R. Reno' |
Which Model for the Italian Interest Rates? |
2002/01 |
M. S. Giarratana |
Entry, Survival and Growth in a New Market. The Case of the Encryption Software Industry. |
2001/20 |
G. Dosi, D. Levinthal, L. Marengo |
Bridging Contested Terrain: Linking Incentive-Based and Learning Perspectives on Organizational Evolution |
2001/19 |
F. Bevilacqua, C. Daraio |
International parity relationships between Germany and US: a multivariate time series analysis for the post Bretton-Woods period |
2001/18 |
F. Cesaroni |
Technology Strategies in the Knowledge Economy. The Licensing Activity of Himont |
2001/17 |
F. Cesaroni, A. Gambardella, W. Garcia-Fontes, M. Mariani |
The Chemical Sector al System. Firms, markets, institutions and the processes of knowledge creation and diffusion |
2001/16 |
G. Fagiolo |
Engel Curves Specification in an Artificial Model of Consumption Dynamics with Socially Evolving Preferences |
2001/15 |
G. Fagiolo |
Coordination, Local Interactions and Endogenous Neighborhood Formation |
2001/14 |
F. Lotti, E. Santarelli |
Industry Dynamics and the Distribution of Firm Sizes: A Non-Parametric Approach |
2001/13 |
A. Bonaccorsi, P. Giuri, F. Pierotti |
Discontinuities, Convergence and Survival of Inefficient Trajectories in Technical Progress |
2001/12 |
A. Bonaccorsi, R. Cambini, P. Giuri, R. Riccardi |
Non Ergodic Properties of the Dynamics of Industry Concentration |
2001/11 |
A. Bonaccorsi, P. Giuri |
Learning, Technological Competition and Network Structure in the Aero-Engine Industry |
2001/10 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, G. Fagiolo |
On the Ubiquitous Nature of the Agglomeration Economies and their Diverse Determinants: Some Notes. |
2001/09 |
R. Arduini, F. Cesaroni |
Environmental Technologies in the European Chemical Industry |
2001/08 |
G. Bottazzi, E. Cefis, G. Dosi |
Corporate Growth and Industrial Structure. Some Evidence from the Italian Manufacturing Industry |
2001/07 |
F. Pammolli, M. Riccaboni |
Technological Regimes and the Growth of Networks An Empirical Analysis |
2001/06 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, G. Rocchetti |
Modes of Knowledge Accumulation, Entry Regimes and Patterns of Industrial Evolution |
2001/05 |
A. Beber |
Determinants of the Implied Volatility Function on the Italian Stock Market |
2001/04 |
A. Gambardella, M. Mariani, S. Torrisi |
How Provincial is your Region? Effects on Labour Productivity and Employment in Europe (see new draft 2003-06) |
2001/02 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, M. Lippi, F. Pammolli, M. Riccaboni |
Innovation and Corporate Growth in the Evolution of the Drug Industry |
2001/01 |
G. Bottazzi |
Firm Diversification and the Law of Proportionate Effect |
2000/08 |
G. Dosi, S. W. Winter |
Interpreting Economic Change: Evolution, Structures and Games |
2000/07 |
G. Fagiolo |
Endogenous Growth in Open-Ended Economies with Locally Interacting Agents |
2000/06 |
G. Dosi, M. Hobday, L. Marengo |
Problem-Solving Behaviours, Organisational Forms and the Complexity of Tasks |
2000/05 |
G. Bottazzi, G. Dosi, M. Lippi, F. Pammolli, M. Riccaboni |
Processes of Corporate Growth in the Evolution of an Innovation-Driven Industry. The Case of Pharmaceuticals. |
2000/04 |
A. Bonaccorsi, P. Giuri |
Industry Life Cycle and the Evolution of an Industry Network |
2000/03 |
M. G. Devetag |
Coordination in "Critical Mass" Games: An Experimental Study |
2000/02 |
M. G. Devetag |
Transfer, Focality and Coordination: Some Experimental Results |
2000/01 |
A. Bonaccorsi, P. Giuri |
The Long Term Evolution of Vertically-Related Industries |
1999/24 |
G. Bottazzi, M. G. Devetag, G. Dosi |
Adaptive Learning and Emergent Coordination in Minority Games |
1999/23 |
S. Guercini |
International Growth as Integration of R&D Activities. Evidence from Large Multinational Companies |
1999/21 |
P. Manfredi, A. Bonaccorsi, A. Secchi |
Social Heterogeneities in Classical New Product Diffusion
Models |
1999/20 |
A. Bonaccorsi, T.P. Lyon, F. Pammolli, G. Turchetti |
Auctions vs. Bargaining: An Empirical Analysis of Medical Device Procurement |
1999/19 |
A. Calamia |
Market Microstructure: Theory and Empirics |
1999/13 |
L. Orsenigo, F. Pammolli, M. Riccaboni |
Competencies, Technological Change and Network Dynamics. The case of the bio-pharmaceutical industry |
1999/12 |
A. Bonaccorsi, P. Giuri |
Increasing returns and network structure in the evolutionary dynamics of industries |
1999/11 |
A. Gambardella, D. Ticchi |
Technology, Entrepreneurship and Inequality: an Interpretative Model |
1999/09 |
L. Marengo, G. Dosi, P. Legrenzi, C. Pasquali |
The Structure of Problem-Solving Knowledge and the Structure of Organisations |
1999/08 |
G. Dosi, L. Marengo |
On the Tangled Discourse between Transaction Costs Economics and Competence-Based Views of the Firms: Some Comments |
1999/06 |
A. Bonaccorsi, P. Giuri |
Network Structure and Industrial Dynamics. The long-term evolution of the aircraft-engine industry |
1999/05 |
A. P. Bassanini, G. Dosi |
When and How Chance and Human Will Can Twist the Arms of Clio |
1999/04 |
A. P. Bassanini, G. Dosi |
Heterogenous Agents, Complementaries, and Diffusion. Do Increasing Returns Imply Convergence to International Technological Monopolies? |
1999/03 |
A. P. Bassanini, G. Dosi |
Competing Technologies, Technological Monopolies and the Rate of Convergence to a Stable Market Structure |
1999/02 |
F. Chiaromonte, G. Dosi |
Modeling a Decentralized Asset Market: An Introduction to the Financial "Toy-Room" |